Tag: Eth2



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Ethereum is one of the most well-known blockchains, and it is about to receive a significant upgrade. The crypto community is now keeping an eye out for ETH 2.0, and for a good reason. The 2.0 upgrade will bring a host of changes to the network that will make Ethereum faster and more secure than ever before. The changes that this upgrade is going to bring in a host of changes like - proof-of-stake, Sharding, eWASM, Plasma, and the Raiden Network.

Those keeping tabs on the crypto market will likely have heard the term “Ethereum 2.0” (or Eth2) being thrown around. As the name suggests, Ethereum 2.0 is an overhaul of the existing Ethereum network, intended to boost scalability and security on the network. A critical part of the path towards Ethereum 2.0 is the “Zinken testnet”, which went live on October 12th, at 12 PM UTC. However, what is the Zinken testnet exactly?

On December 1st, Ethereum 2.0 Phase 0 was officially launched, with the Ethereum 2.0 Beacon Chain launch. This is the first major release in Ethereum’s transition towards a proof-of-stake blockchain through Ethereum 2.0. As such, Ethereum staking has become a hot topic in the past two weeks. This article looks at Ethereum 2.0, the Beacon Chain, and the practicalities of staking ETH.

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