Tag: Defi



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The simplest way to describe Ren is that it’s a decentralized interoperability protocol. What it means for decentralized finance (DeFi) is that permission-less value transfers between blockchains can now take place. This is huge where the subject of liquidity is concerned because Bitcoin hodlers can move their BTC over to the Ethereum blockchain to participate in things like DeFi.

The decentralized finance (DeFi) industry keeps on booming. As such, there is a surge of interest in becoming a DeFi developer and being able to help create the DeFi ecosystem of tomorrow. Perhaps one of the most well-known DeFi developers in the space is Andre Cronje, the prolific coder and creator of Yearn Finance and the YFI token, a yield aggregating platform that took the decentralized finance (DeFi) world by storm earlier this year.

OpenZeppelin is a security operations platform with countless security best practice features already built into it. Specifically, it describes itself as an open-source framework for building secure smart contracts, meant to simplify the process of building smart contracts. Practically speaking, this means that smart contract developers on Ethereum can ship their products faster, whilst also minimizing security risks.

The bZx Protocol is a Ethereum-based DeFi lending protocol which users can borrow, lend, and margin trade without relying on third parties. In the past, margin traders had to use centralized exchanges (CEXs). And while decentralized exchanges (DEXs) can have vulnerabilities, CEXs have many weak points that can be exploited.

Less than six months ago, the concept of TrustSwap didn’t exist. So, where did TrustSwap come from, and what use case does TrustSwap fulfill? According to the TrustSwap CEO, Jeff Kirdeikis, a venture capital firm wanted to invest large amounts of money into a project token sale for a discount. However, the firm also wanted to ensure the VC firm wouldn’t sell all the coins at once resulting in a ‘pump and dump’ scheme.

The Bancor Network is one of the longest-standing cryptocurrency projects, and among the first to pioneer decentralized financial applications (dApps) and token swaps. Despite a heavily-publicized attack and various legal hurdles throughout its infancy, the Bancor Protocol is emerging as a stand-out platform. Bancor shows great potential, thanks to recent upgrades and services to the network and the higher utility of the BNT token.

The world of decentralized finance (DeFi) is an exciting space to be in. It can seem like every day there’s someone or some initiative introducing a new protocol, upgrade, or some other creative, new way of putting various DeFi building blocks together. Nevertheless, this also increases the need for prudent smart contract security, and smart contract audits.

New and exciting DeFi projects launch all the time, and it can be difficult to keep up with them all. More specifically, understanding project fundamentals, the services they can offer to users, announcements of partnerships and integrations can all seem abstract. Matic Network, on the other hand, a Layer-2 scaling solution utilizing Plasma side chains, has a very concrete use case. Put simply, Matic Network is a scaling solution underpinning dApps and DeFi applications, addressing some of the Ethereum Network’s scalability challenges.

Hegic is a decentralized options trading platform on Ethereum. With Hegic, you can buy or sell put and call options for ETH and WBTC. Options in decentralized finance (DeFi) work best for those looking to speculate, hedge their positions, or provide liquidity. Hegic Protocol is an on-chain trading protocol which is powered by liquidity pools and hedge contracts.

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