Tag: Cryptocurrency



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One of the reasons blockchain technology has become such a well-known technology and keeps growing rapidly is the rise of cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin is often what pops up in people's minds when they hear the word cryptocurrency. This might not be strange since it was Bitcoin that was the spark for the whole cryptocurrency spectacle. But Bitcoin is just one of the currencies out there, and there is a lot more to this phenomenon.

Global economic parity has been a hot subject for discussion during many years. With the rise of industry and technology, the rich have become insanely wealthy, while the wealth divide has never been bigger. Can crypto end world poverty? In this article, we’ll explore some of the fascinating ways that blockchain technology is being used to transform the lives of many people, while providing an even playing field for economic parity.

In the years following its inception back in 2009, Bitcoin was regarded as somewhat of a - however undeserved - poster-boy for cybercrime and illegal activity. Over the past decade, if you asked anyone in the street what they thought about Bitcoin, the small minority that had even heard of it would likely have told you that it’s either a scam, a Ponzi scheme, or only used for illegal purposes. However, this erroneous view is quickly changing.

Cryptocurrencies have evolved massively over the past decade. What was once perceived as a novelty or even a joke, is now at the forefront of technological innovation, pushing towards a new era in modern finance. But how is cryptocurrency used, and what are the advantages of crypto?

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