Tag: Crypto



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Does the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic affect cryptocurrency in any way? In this age of information, it can sometimes be difficult to determine what is true and what is not. The rise of “fake news”, coupled with extreme economic uncertainty is distorting our perception of reality and changing the fabric of our lives. Throughout mainstream media, there is an abundance of misinformation and misrepresentation of facts, with much of the conversation in the news falling short of any substantial discussion.

Terms like Bitcoin, blockchain technology, and cryptocurrency alone can feel intimidating to some people, others though may feel excited to hear about it. Blockchain is a relatively new technology given to us by an anonymous developer(s) known as Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008, and is still in the ‘early adoption’ phase. As such, there is still some fear or confusion around the subject, due to a lack of understanding and education. Some people, however, are intrigued about the subject enough to dig a bit deeper, and will start searching the internet for Bitcoin courses to learn more - if you are one of those people, welcome!

Cryptocurrencies have evolved massively over the past decade. What was once perceived as a novelty or even a joke, is now at the forefront of technological innovation, pushing towards a new era in modern finance. But how is cryptocurrency used, and what are the advantages of crypto?

Arbitrage is the process of profiting between price discrepancies of assets between different markets. It is often used in FOREX trading and can be a profitable source of passive income when applied correctly. Crypto arbitrage is no different. In fact, the opportunities afforded by the innovation in the blockchain industry has propelled innovation within the space, using arbitrage in complex and nuanced ways.

The cryptocurrency space has been largely unregulated throughout its existence, but with continued integration between the traditional financial sector, central banks, and cryptocurrency firms, crypto regulation has become a high priority as we enter this new economic paradigm. In fact, many believe that cryptocurrency regulation could facilitate greater crypto adoption, bolster investor confidence and boost consumer protection.

You’ve seen it in the headlines, you’ve heard your friends talking about it. The cryptocurrency market is arguably hotter than ever, with the price of Bitcoin pumping to highs not seen since the late 2017 Bitcoin bull run. As such, it can be more enticing to get into crypto than it has been for a long time. Nevertheless, it can be hard to know whether to get into crypto or not - should you trust the crypto skeptics or the blockchain believers? That’s why this article presents an unbiased list of 7 reasons to get into crypto, so you can see some of the fascinating opportunities in crypto for yourself!

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