Tag: Blockchain



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Although blockchain technology is quickly becoming popular among large international firms, many companies still lack the tools and know-how to implement - or even conceive of - blockchain solutions. However, this is not because the “technology isn’t there yet”. The technology exists and is in use today. Instead, the problem is poor blockchain education in enterprise settings. This article offers tips on using blockchain in business and educating your enterprise regarding blockchain technology.

Certain buzzwords are currently making names for themselves in the cryptosphere. Most notably, these include DeFi, NFTs, and oracles. These could conceivably be among the top trends that may act as catalysts for a potential 2020/2021 bull run. Another buzzword that is making the rounds, although perhaps does not receive as much attention as the previously mentioned terms, is blockchain interoperability.

The growth of Ethereum over recent years has propelled blockchain technology beyond what many thought was possible. As the crypto community eagerly awaits the seemingly ever-delayed Ethereum 2.0 upgrade, many are wondering, could Layer-2 solutions provide the sustainable growth and scaling of the network that is needed?

Global economic parity has been a hot subject for discussion during many years. With the rise of industry and technology, the rich have become insanely wealthy, while the wealth divide has never been bigger. Can crypto end world poverty? In this article, we’ll explore some of the fascinating ways that blockchain technology is being used to transform the lives of many people, while providing an even playing field for economic parity.

The fashion industry, and in particular, luxury brands, were famously late to the party when it came to the rapid growth of e-commerce and internet shopping. However, it appears they may be getting ahead of the game with the introduction of blockchain. So, what is blockchain? And why is blockchain adoption in the fashion industry a good thing?

The global economic landscape is changing, and this has only been expedited by economic turbulence caused by the recent pandemic. Digital payments have already replaced cash in many countries, and while central banks across the world debate the implication of Central Bank Digital Currencies, it is becoming clear how blockchain is rebuilding the global economy.

As mainstream adoption of blockchain technology continues to accelerate, many businesses and organizations are looking for ways to implement blockchain into existing business models. However, many businesses feel they don’t have the time or the resources to start from the ground up. Blockchain as a service (BaaS) assists in creating tailor-made blockchain solutions for business enterprises that improve accountability and promotes transparency.

As the conversation about clean and sustainable energy becomes ever more present, the use cases for blockchain in the energy sector are becoming more compelling than ever. As major energy providers across the globe transition from cheap, unsustainable, coal-based energy production, the increasing demands for efficient cryptocurrency mining present an interesting intersection between the two industries.

Blockchain technology is increasingly being adopted in various industries, as use cases for distributed ledger technologies and cryptocurrency continue to become more evident. One interesting area is that of blockchain technology in the real estate sector. The use of blockchain in the real estate industry can help tenants, landlords, estate agents, and even architects. Many of the legal complications and administrative hurdles associated with buying, selling, renting, or letting property can be solved by the use of blockchain technology, and the opportunities that lie ahead in this field could turn the industry on its head.

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