Tag: Bitcoin



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To understand the real value and revolutionary properties Bitcoin can bring to the economy, we must first understand the concept and properties of money. If you're researching for your next investment and stumble across Bitcoin vs. gold vs. stocks, this article will help you understand where and how your money moves, allowing you to compose the best investment strategy hard-earned cash.

A warm welcome to any and all crypto newcomers! We understand that many of you are probably at the point of wanting to get your hands on some Bitcoin at this exciting time. Still, perhaps you're not exactly sure how cryptocurrency exchanges work - and would like to know a little bit more before converting your beloved fiat currency into invisible magical coins.

If you are questioning what cryptocurrency is all about and feeling unsure as to what actually makes Bitcoin valuable, you have come to the right place! In this article, we will explore some of the different reasons people attribute value to this piece of code, why we have currencies to begin with, examine the blockchain technology that underpins Bitcoin, and how Bitcoin’s properties compare to gold.

If you've stumbled across this page in search of answers around Bitcoin, welcome! There is a lot we can teach you. Ivan on Tech Academy provides Bitcoin, blockchain, and crypto education, and can answer all your Bitcoin FAQs through a variety of different learning techniques including videos, quizzes, and research.

As anyone following the crypto field will know, there has been a lot of media attention around Bitcoin recently, with recent gains over the past few months, a lot of people are asking is it too late to get into Bitcoin or not?

With recent uncertainty in the media about the stock market and gold prices, rumors of an upcoming crash, the worst since The Great Depression, and money being printed in the trillions, more and more, people are looking at options to retire with Bitcoin.

Many people new to the crypto field can be unsure about the differences between the two biggest cryptocurrencies on the market, Bitcoin and Ethereum. Those that have been in this space a while are beginning to wonder which crypto is the best cryptocurrency for them, as we could possibly be on the cusp of a new 2020/2021 bull run. Therefore, we feel that we should explore the fundamental distinctions between Bitcoin vs Ethereum, the history, and the pros and cons of each crypto asset.

2020 has been an unprecedented year for the traditional financial markets. Perhaps the most noticeable part of this was when stock indices dropped sharply in March, by roughly 30%, constituting the largest and fastest drop in modern times. Now, following attempts to restart the economy, people are speculating at the imbalance between the stock markets and the U.S. economy on the ground - leading many to wonder ‘is the stock market going to crash again?’

If you are a Bitcoin trader, you will likely have heard of the term “Bitcoin bull market”. Put simply, a bull market is the period during which the price of an asset turns sharply upward, following the rough trajectory of a bull’s horns. So, are we in a Bitcoin bull market? Well, we could potentially be gearing up for another big Bitcoin bull run yet, which many are referring to as a potential ‘supercycle’ that could take us to new highs in the crypto markets. Let’s, therefore, look at some of the different factors that could make Bitcoin investors feel bullish.

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